Artist Profile
Sarla Chandra’s tryst with art and Indian culture has spanned more over fortyfive
years. She has more than 50 solo exhibitions and 40 group shows to her
credit. Sarla Chandra is a post graduate in Nature Science , ‘Entomology’ from
the prestigious St. John’s College, Agra. Painting is not merely a profession but a
form of meditation and a personal expression of her love for Indian Puranic texts,
like the Vedas, and Upanishads, which fascinate her. A compulsive inner urge for
exploration of the capabilities of the mind has slowly manifested itself onto her
canvases. Using ‘varakh’-gold and silver foil – are the unorthodox techniques that
recreate the aura of our ancient cultural heritage in her art.
Sarla’s works are never
static. Her signature paintings are treasured by connoisseurs of art all over the
world. Her brush generates energy, drawing inspirations from all facets of nature,
and traditions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, Sufism, and Christianity. Each of
her paintings pulsates with ‘Prana’ - the life giving force.
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