This show, featuring 16 art creators, is a panoramic representation of artists beyond the liminal status, to an autonomous standing. The dangling puppet on the canvas of artist Ashok Bhowmik, oozes with suave pictorialisation, via a mature handling of his medium. Clicking on Asit K Patnaik’s offering, the eye meets a mellow tonal palette defining the female form, with sensual overtures and charismatic mystique. Lingering by artist Jagmohan Bangani, one faces a visual sunburst of grounded energy, arranged into a mandala of cyclic rhythm, and prayerfulness. Passing to the feminine, in Kanchan Chandra’s paper work, one encounters a powerful foregrounding of womanly strengths and compositional expertise. Viewers find the art of Dr Kota Neelima, reaching beyond surface attractions of cobalt and darkness towards a provocative juxtaposing of the human condition on a universal plane. For artist Mohan Singh, the human forms, emanating in psychedelic tones, using viscous colouration, contemporise the societal goings-on between the sexes. Tarrying awhile with Mukesh Sharma one is rewarded not with transformations made with found objects, but with a mirror image to conjure artistic circumambulations. In company with artist Niladri Paul, the suave psychosis of dialogue, form and colour, become the lingua franca of artistic intent. Settling awhile with Puja Bahri’s offering, one discovers an urge to find newer depths that belie strait lacing into typecast artistry. There is also evidence galore, of artist Pratul Dash’s consummate skills of seeing nature in a unique conformation, in his works. With Renuka Sondhi Gulati, art is not frivolous titillation but for goading sleeping sensibilities into action. The blatant honesty of artist Siddharth’s female forms are both captive and complex in the works on view. In contrast, the artistry of Sudip Roy suggests an impressionist throwback, but garnered assiduously to Indian sensibilities. The commentary on contemporary society by Vijendra S Vij, amuses with its dualistic underbelly The art of Vinod Sharma reimagines monumental nature’s contours in mesmeric tonal studies. All in all, this unique showing presents an immiscible art bonanza that is just a click away.